A heartbreaking event unfolded in Islamabad on Monday night as Anza Tariq, the son of Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) leader Tariq Fazal Chaudhry, tragically lost his life in a road accident.
The incident occurred when Anza Tariq’s car collided with a roadside pole and overturned while attempting to avoid a motorcyclist on Seventh Avenue in Islamabad. The collision had a severe impact, leaving Anza Tariq with critical injuries.
He was immediately rushed to the hospital, where medical professionals tried their best to save him. Despite their efforts, Anza Tariq could not overcome his injuries and passed away during the course of treatment. It is an immense loss for his family, loved ones, and the entire community.
A heartbreaking event unfolded in Islamabad on Monday night as Anza Tariq, the son of Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) leader Tariq Fazal Chaudhry, tragically lost his life in a road accident.
The incident occurred when Anza Tariq’s car collided with a roadside pole and overturned while attempting to avoid a motorcyclist on Seventh Avenue in Islamabad. The collision had a severe impact, leaving Anza Tariq with critical injuries.
He was immediately rushed to the hospital, where medical professionals tried their best to save him. Despite their efforts, Anza Tariq could not overcome his injuries and passed away during the course of treatment. It is an immense loss for his family, loved ones, and the entire community.