Geoffrey Hinton, also known as the “Godfather of AI,” has resigned from his position as Google’s Vice President due to the company’s relentless pursuit of AI perfection without considering ethical implications.
While tech world departures are common, Hinton’s exit has raised concerns about potential issues in Google’s AI development. He left due to concerns about the dangers of unregulated AI and fears that Google’s AI work could prioritize outpacing competitors over ethics, leading to a range of ethical issues.
Hinton has warned about the potential for generative AI to flood the public with inaccurate information and the impact of AI on jobs, as well as the risks of using AI in fully automated weapons and biases learned from the data fed to the AI.
Hinton’s concerns about unregulated AI extend beyond Google and highlight the ethical issues surrounding AI’s absolute power, which could blur the lines between truth and falsehood. Recent events at Google, such as the firing of an engineer who spoke out about the LAMDA model’s emotional development, raise further questions about the model’s ethical implications.