Senior journalist, columnist, and analyst Rauf Klasra says:
“Have you ever noticed that whenever terrorists carry out a major attack, our government and relevant institutions immediately fall into a strange and peculiar mindset? They try to black out everything—no news should be aired on TV channels, and no one should find out anything. They attempt to suppress the news as much as possible so that the Pakistani people remain completely unaware.
I have never understood what they achieve by hiding such news. Do they really think that no one will find out? How long can the entire nation remain in the dark? Or perhaps the government and institutions believe that after handling the situation within 24 hours, they will then be in a position to inform the nation about who the attackers were, how they were confronted, and how, by the grace of God, everything is now under control.
In his latest column for Dunya News, he further writes:
During such attacks, when Pakistan’s state media does not broadcast any news and other channels are also prevented from reporting—or completely blacked out—this is precisely the moment when terrorist networks become highly active on social media. Then, the government and institutions complain that their opponents are spreading falsehoods and propaganda against them on social media.
The truth is that the government and institutions suffer more damage from the terrorist supporters sitting on social media than from the terrorists themselves. The real objective of terrorism is to attract the attention of foreign media. Terrorists record small video clips from the attack sites and send them to their supporters, who then spread them on platforms like Twitter (X) and Facebook inside and outside Pakistan to grab global media attention.
Today, these terrorist groups are more focused on social media than on terrorism itself because they gain the benefits that serve their true purpose.
Now, let’s take a look at our so-called ‘brave’ leaders: The Prime Minister is missing. Four Interior Ministers/Advisors are missing. The Defense Minister is missing. And above all, the Information Minister is missing. No one knows what is happening in the country.
When you all disappear, then who are you to complain if your opponents spread their narrative on social media? You all fully enjoy the perks and privileges associated with government positions—lavish lifestyles, public intimidation, luxury vehicles, allowances, and protocols—all funded by taxpayers. But when a horrifying attack occurs on the very nation whose taxes support your extravagant lives, the Prime Minister and the ministers all vanish.
This hypocrisy will not work!
By the way, where is Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi—the one who once claimed that the issue of Balochistan could be handled by just an SHO?”