In UP India, an amusing incident unfolded when a monkey, driven by its instinct for food or curiosity, stumbled upon a remarkable discovery. It seized an opportunity when it spotted a bag attached to a motorcycle belonging to a man named Sharafat Hussain, who had come to the registry office in Shahabad for a sale deed. Oblivious to the prying eyes, Hussain had parked his motorcycle and settled on a bench to focus on his accounting task.
Seizing the moment, the monkey ventured towards the parked motorcycles, rummaging through the bags in search of something intriguing. To its delight, it stumbled upon a bag containing a staggering Rs 3.5 lakh in cash, securely stored in Hussain’s motorcycle bag. Seizing its newfound fortune, the monkey swiftly absconded with the bag, leaving Hussain unaware of the theft until it was too late. Chaos ensued as the onlookers realized what had transpired, frantically searching for the clever primate. Eventually, the monkey was discovered perched atop a tree.
The crowd attempted to retrieve the bag from the monkey’s clutches, leading to a brief tussle. After a while, the determined pursuers managed to drive the monkey away, allowing Hussain to reclaim his bag with the money still intact.
Taking note of the increasing menace caused by monkeys in Shahabad, the district administration decided to take action. They planned to form a team specifically tasked with capturing these simians and releasing them into the forests at the tehsil level, as a measure to mitigate the monkey problem. Shahabad Deputy Collector, Anil Kumar, confirmed this initiative aimed at addressing the ongoing issue.
- Lead from India Today