Josh Gates, the renowned explorer and host of the reality show Expedition Unknown on the Discovery Channel, revealed that he participated in a dive aboard the Titan with Stockton Rush prior to OceanGate’s inaugural mission to explore the wreckage of the Titanic.
I had the unique opportunity to dive in the @Oceangate #Titan sub with Stockton at the helm in preparation for its maiden mission to Titanic. I pray for a positive outcome to the rescue efforts of those aboard, including fellow @ExplorersClub member Hamish Harding.
— Josh Gates (@joshuagates) June 21, 2023
According to Gates, the performance of the Titan during the dive was unsatisfactory, prompting him to make the decision not to proceed with filming a segment on the Titanic. His concern primarily revolved around safety issues.
Gates hinted that there is undisclosed information regarding the history and design of the Titan, and he emphasized that much of it is quite significant and noteworthy.