On Wednesday, July 19, 2023, the exchange rate for one US Dollar against Pakistani Rupees was recorded at Rs 282.54 in both the local and open market, while the selling rate was traded at Rs 283.04.
Please note that these rates are subject to variation depending on the location, city-to-city basis, and the specific Exchange Company or bank involved in the transaction. Below are the foreign and local currency exchange rates for US Dollar, UK Pound Sterling, European Euro, UAE Dirham, Saudi Riyal, and other foreign currencies in Pakistan’s open market. It’s important to remember that exchange rates are constantly fluctuating based on supply and demand dynamics. The forex rates are regularly updated at 09:00 AM on Pakistan Standard Time (PST) and are subject to change according to market forces and foreign currency demands.
Gold Rate in Pakistan Today on 19 July 2023 is Rs. 219,000 per tola for 24-karat of the precious metal in the local bullion market.