In an unexpected turn of events, Saira Banu, the ex-wife of legendary singer AR Rahman, has broken her silence on the ongoing rumors surrounding their divorce after 29 years of marriage. Following a wave of speculations on social media, particularly in light of Rahman’s bassist Mohini Dey also announcing her divorce on the same day, Saira took to a voice note to clear the air.
Saira, who had moved to Mumbai citing health concerns, disclosed that her decision to distance herself from AR Rahman was purely due to her health issues, not because of any marital problems. She expressed that living in Chennai amidst Rahman’s busy schedule had become challenging for her, leading her to take a break. In her voice note, Saira said, “I had to leave Chennai for my health, and it would have been difficult for me to manage with his hectic schedule.”
While addressing the rumors, Saira went on to urge media outlets and especially YouTubers, to avoid from making defamatory comments about Rahman. “He is a gem of a person, the best man in the world. I trust him with my life. That’s how much I love him, and that’s how much he loves me,” she said. Her heartfelt message expressed that the couple’s split was not a result of any external issues, but rather personal circumstances she was facing.
Banu strongly condemned the false narratives being spun around their separation and called on people to respect their privacy. “We have not officially announced anything yet. Please stop news with baseless accusations. He is a wonderful person, and all these stories are just rubbish,” she added.
Her statement comes in response to several fabricated stories circulating about the reasons behind the couple’s divorce. Despite the ongoing rumors, Saira reiterated her admiration for Rahman and expressed her desire for both their lives to be left alone to heal.
On the other hand, AR Rahman has also taken legal action, sending a defamation notice to those spreading these false claims and demanding the removal of any derogatory content.